Isabelle Gorilla in the Arts District April 1, 2018 – Posted in: Isabelle Gorilla – Tags: ,

Isabelle Lago’s career as an artist, aka “Isabelle Gorilla”, began when she started painting murals of her gorilla all around Los Angeles. Over time, they became a large body of work both on canvas and on the street. Her inspiration is driven by people who are not afraid to let it all hang out. Oblivious to conformity, the gorillas greet you with genuine self-confidence, despite their large hairy bodies and prominent nostrils. They are the uncensored human, laying bare a primitiveness we can all relate to. This is why she also takes her work to the public space, so they exist within our “civilized” environment and remind us to be at peace with our human nature.



    Downtown, Los Angeles
    Imperial St / Jesse St